Some philosophical blurbs ...
Karl Svozil,
``Das Wasser fließt zum Mond. Alexander entdeckt die Geheimnisse der Physik.''
A physics novel for children and for the curious & perplexed, in German.
Reinhold Krämer Verlag,
Hamburg, 2004
Karl Svozil,
``Aesthetics and scarcity. A physics perspective on ornament'',
On Tranmsient Realities and Their Generators, ed. by Time's Up and FoAM, (KIBLA and FoAM, Brussels, Belgium),
152-167 (2006)
[KIBLA publisher],
[arXiv physics/0505088],
Karl Svozil,
``What could be more practical than a good interpretation?''
Karl Svozil,
``Der Alltag eines Peers'' (in German)
Biblos-Schriften 179, 73-94 (2004);
presented at the
ODOK '03 (Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare), Salzburg, Austria, September 2003
Karl Svozil,
``Peer review in context''
[pdf (new)],
Presented at
The Unifying Aspects of Cultures
7-9 November 2003, Vienna.
In: TRANS. Internet-Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften. No. 15/2003.
Karl Svozil,
``The dangerous misconceptions of Sir Karl Raimund Popper''
Karl Svozil,
``Feyerabend and physics''
Presented at the International Symposium Paul Feyerabend 1924-1994.
A philosopher from Vienna, University of Vienna, June 18-19, 2004.
Printed in "Paul Feyerabend. Ein Philosoph aus Wien", Edited by Friedrich Stadler and Kurt R. Fischer
(Springer, Wien New York, 2006), pp. 75-98,
Karl Svozil,
``Zufall und Bestimmtheit in der Physik'' (in German)
Presented at the Naturwissenschaftlich-Humanisticher Tag am BG 19---Weltbild und Wissenschaft (Vienna, 22.2.2005)
Karl Svozil,
``Quantum Cryptography''
Presented at the TU Wien, Institut für Photonik
(E387) (Vienna, 16.3.2005)
Karl Svozil,
``The Zoo Hypothesis revised.
Outline of a movie plot''
Wienzeile Nr. 46.
AUF DEM UTOPIAWEG 46, 59 Vienna, September 2005
Karl Svozil,
``Contextuality, uniqueness property & quantum computing''
Presented at the Quantum Physics of Nature - Theory, Experiments & Interpretation.
22. - 26. May 2005 Vienna
Karl Svozil,
``Vom Ende der Universitäten und ihrer Bibliotheken. Ein Zwischenbericht''
[in German]
Bibliothek, Technik, Recht. Festschrift für Peter Kubalek zum 60. Geburtstages
Herausgeber Hans Hrusa (Manzsche Verlags- und Universitätsbuchhandlung, Wien 2005), pp. 185-198.
Karl Svozil,
``Physics and metaphysics looks at computation''
Contribution to a collection of papers on the Church-Turing Thesis, August 2005
Karl Svozil,
``Einige Gedanken zur Veränderbarkeit der Welt nach unseren Wünschen und Vorstellungen aus spekulativer naturwissenschaftlicher Sicht'' [in German]
Invited position paper for a Viennese Literature Magazine
Wienzeile Nr. 46.
AUF DEM UTOPIAWEG 46, 58-59 Vienna, September 2005.
Karl Svozil,
``Quantum Correlations and beyond''
Presented at Gdansk University, Poland (Gdansk, 19.10.2005)
Karl Svozil,
``Quantum Information and Computation''
Presented at the Lehrerfortbildungstag St. Pölten (St. Pölten, 8.11.2005)