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History of arfg

Note that a short summary of changes can also be found at the end of the arfg script file. --- Changes to the HTML documentation are not documented here.

Version 2.13c

Changed contact information: the old e-mail address is no longer valid.

New options --pre, --post, --rewrite.

Proper quoting for arguments of --pre, --post, --rewrite, and --polish.

Version 2.11c

option --help also documents m4 variables.

new option --define: allow safe definition of m4 variables from the command line.

new option --list: list output files on stdout. Combine with --quiet to get input suitable for, e.g., xargs.

location of output files depends on input file's path being absolute or relative.

warn if .arfg-rewrite is not executable

options --help, --version: exit code used to be non-zero, is zero now.

Version 2.9b

Initial public release.

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Copyright © 2001-2005 by Albert REINER. All rights reserved.

URL: http://purl.oclc.org/NET/arfg/current/history.html

URL: http://purl.oclc.org/NET/arfg/2.13c/history.html

2005-08-06 23:07:04