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Installation instructions

The following instructions are for Unix-like systems; specifically, arfg was written and used under various versions of GNU/Linux. For other operating systems your mileage will vary, even though arfg can certainly made to run wherever a reasonably recent copy of Perl and an implementation of m4 are available.

Installation of the tools arfg relies on

Basically, arfg assembles a pipeline of calls to a number of filters, and calls system() on the resulting command string. Thus, for arfg to work properly, the following tools must be installed:

m4 (/usr/bin/m4):
This macro processor should already be installed on most systems; in case it is not, you can get the GNU-version from your favorite GNU mirror, or directly from, e. g., ftp://ftp.seindal.dk/pub/rene/gnu/m4-1.4.tar.gz; version 1.4 is known to work with arfg, older or non-GNU versions should probably be avoided.
divert (/usr/local/bin/divert):
This diversion filter for accumulating and re-locating blocks of text is part of Ralf S. Engelschall's Web Meta Language (wml). Consequently, there are the following possibilities for installing:
eperl (/usr/local/bin/eperl):
The «embedded Perl interpreter» is also part of wml. Again, there are several possibilities for installing:
cat (/bin/cat):
Every Unix system should have a cat command. arfg expects to find it in /bin/cat.
sh-compatible shell:
Again, on Unix this should already be installed (usually sh itself or a compatible shell like bash). This program is not used by arfg directly but only via Perl's system() call.

In the above list the full paths assumed by arfg have been indicated. If the executables' locations do not match those indicated, link or copy them to the expected locations or edit the arfg script (see below).

Installation of arfg

As arfg itself is just a Perl script, installation is trivial:

  1. Download, unpack, extract any of the following files:
  2. If necessary, edit the file arfg contained therein to adjust the paths for the executables to be used. This might also be useful when you want arfg to have a private copy so that compatibility is not broken when any of the tools arfg depends upon is upgraded or changed.
  3. Copy or link the file arfg to a directory on your shell's search path.
  4. Make sure the permissions and ownership are correct.
  5. The downloaded archive also includes a copy of these web pages that you might want to save; you should, however, always be able to access up-to-date information by pointing your browser to http://purl.oclc.org/NET/arfg/. (The URL is displayed as part of arfg's help message.)

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Copyright © 2001 by Albert REINER. All rights reserved.

URL: http://purl.oclc.org/NET/arfg/current/install.html

URL: http://purl.oclc.org/NET/arfg/2.9b/install.html

2001-09-29 21:56:05