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Bernhard Ömer

Dr. Bernhard Ömer
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
Security and Communication Technologies
Giefinggasse 4
1210 Vienna
PGP Key: 1CF0268D
Photo [3 KB]

About me

I have studied technical physics and computer science at the Technical University of Vienna and have finished my PhD on structured quantum programming in June 2003. I'm currently working at the Quantum Technology unit at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology (formerly known as Austrian Research Centers Seibersdorf research). Other affiliations are

I'm also an advocate of Linux and OpenSource in general, which is why all the programs on this homepage are free software under the terms of the GPL.


Use the navbar on top of each page to navigate through this site.

Home: This Page
QCL: Homepage for QCL, A Programming Language for Quantum Computers
NeuroGen: Genetic Algorithms for the Training of Neuronal Networks on Distributed Memory Systems
WaveTools: Commandline Tools for Manipulating Mono Wave Files
Vobcut: Commandline Tool to analyse and cut mpeg2 program streams
Programs: List of all Programs
Papers: Publication list and some other papers.

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