@article{Svozil_2022-Extending-Kolmogorov, doi = {10.3390/e24091285}, url = {https://doi.org/10.3390/e24091285}, year = 2022, month = {sep}, publisher = {{MDPI} {AG}}, volume = {24}, number = {9}, pages = {1285}, author = {Karl Svozil}, title = {Extending Kolmogorov's Axioms for a Generalized Probability Theory on Collections of Contexts}, journal = {Entropy}, eprint = {arXiv:1903.10424}, } @incollection{Svozil2023Jul-Extending-Kolmogorov, author = {Svozil, Karl}, editor ={Diederik Aerts and Jonas R B Arenhart and Christian {de Ronde} and Giuseppe Sergioli}, title = {Extending Kolmogorov's Axioms for a Generalized Probability Theory on Collections of Contexts}, booktitle = {Probing the Meaning of Quantum Mechanics. {P}robability, Metaphysics, Explanation and Measurement}, pages = {1-18}, year = {2023}, month = jul, date = {2023-07-23}, isbn = {978-981-12-8358-1}, publisher = {World Scientific}, address = {Singapore}, doi = {10.1142/9789811283598\_0001}, URL = {https://doi.org/10.1142/9789811283598\_0001}, eprint = {arXiv:1903.10424}, }