Preprints / Internal Reports 2004
Particle Physics Group

TUW-04-01 A. Rebhan, P. van Nieuwenhuizen and R. Wimmer, The Casimir effect for susy solitons, hep-th/0401127

TUW-04-02 A. Rebhan, P. van Nieuwenhuizen and R. Wimmer, A new anomaly in the central charge of the N=2 monopole, hep-th/0401116

TUW-04-03 S. Denk, V. Putz, M. Schweda and M. Wohlgenannt, Towards UV finite quantum field theory from non-local field operators, hep-th/0401237

TUW-04-04 L. Bergamin, D. Grumiller and W. Kummer, Quantization of 2d dilaton supergravity with matter, hep-th/0404004

TUW-04-05 L. Bergamin and W. Kummer, Two-dimensional N=(2,2) dilaton supergravity from graded Poisson-sigma models I: Complete actions and their symmetries, hep-th/0402138

TUW-04-06 S. Denk, V. Putz and M. Wohlgenannt, Consistent construction of perturbation theory on noncommutative spaces, hep-th/0402229

TUW-04-07 A. Rebhan, P. van Nieuwenhuizen and R. Wimmer, New developments in the quantization of supersymmetric solitons (kinks, vortices and monopoles), hep-th/0404223

TUW-04-08 S. Mrowczynski, A. Rebhan and M. Strickland, Hard-loop effective action for anisotropic plasmas, hep-ph/0403256

TUW-04-09 M. Davidse, U. Theis and S. Vandoren, Fivebrane instanton corrections to the universal hypermultiplet, hep-th/0404147

TUW-04-10 J.O. Andersen and M. Strickland, Resummation in hot field theories, hep-ph/0404164

TUW-04-11 S. Guttenberg, J. Knapp and M. Kreuzer, On the covariant quantization of type II superstrings, hep-th/0405007

TUW-04-12 A.Gerhold, A. Ipp and A. Rebhan, Non-Fermi-liquid specific heat of normal degenerate quark matter, hep-th/0406087

TUW-04-13 J.-P. Blaizot and U. Reinosa, Isolating vacuum amplitudes in quantum field calculations at finite temperature, hep-ph/0406109

TUW-04-14 P. Romatschke and M. Strickland, Collective modes of an anisotropic quark-gluon plasma II, hep-ph/0406188

TUW-04-15 J.O. Andersen and M. Strickland, Three-loop Phi-derivable approximation in QED, hep-ph/0406163

TUW-04-16 K. Passek-Kumericki, J. Trampetic, P. Schupp and M. Wohlgenannt, Currents in the standard model on non-commutative space-time, hep-th/04

TUW-04-17 W. Kummer and H. Schütz, Linear derivative Cartan formulation of general relativity, hep-th/0410017

TUW-04-18 A. Gerhold, Two aspects of color superconductivity: Gauge independence and neutrality, hep-th/0408224

TUW-04-19 P. Romatschke and M. Strickland, Collisional energy loss of a heavy quark in an anisotropic quark-gluon plasma, hep-ph/0408275

TUW-04-20 D. Hofmann and W. Kummer, Effective action and Hawking flux from covariant perturbation theory, gr-qc/0408088

TUW-04-21 P. Romatschke and M. Strickland, Progress in anisotropic plasma physics, hep-ph/0408314

TUW-04-22 L. Bergamin, Quantum dilaton supergravity in 2D with non-minimally coupled matter, hep-th/0408229

TUW-04-23 A. Balaguera-Antolínez, C. Böhmer and M. Nowakowski, On astrophysical bounds of the cosmological constant, gr-qc/0409004

TUW-04-24 A. Ipp, Thermodynamics of deconfined QCD at small and large chemical potential, hep-ph/0408358

TUW-04-25 A. Gerhold, A. Ipp and A. Rebhan, Anomalous specific heat in ultradegenerate QED and QCD, hep-ph/0408359

TUW-04-26 U. Reinosa, Renormalization and gauge symmetry for 2 PI effective actions, hep-ph/0411255

TUW-04-27 L. Bergamin, D. Grumiller, A. Iorio and C. Nuñez, Chemistry of Chern-Simons supergravity: reduction to a BPS kink, oxidation to M-theory and thermodynamical aspects, hep-th/0409273

TUW-04-28 C.G. Böhmer, Static perfect fluid balls with given equation of state and cosmological constant, gr-qc/0409030

TUW-04-29 L. Bergamin, Generalized complex geometry and the Poisson sigma model, hep-th/0409283

TUW-04-30 A. Klemm, M. Kreuzer, E. Riegler and E. Scheidegger, Topological string amplitudes, complete intersection Calabi-Yau spaces and threshold corrections, hep-th/0410018

TUW-04-31 J. Berges, Sz. Borsányi, U. Reinosa and J. Serreau, Renormalized thermodynamics from the 2PI effective action, hep-ph/0409123

TUW-04-32 H. Balasin, C.G. Böhmer and D. Grumiller, The spherically symmetric standard model with gravity, gr-qc/0412098

TUW-04-33 L. Bergamin and W. Kummer, Two-dimensional N=(2,2) dilaton supergravity from graded Poisson-sigma models II: Analytic solution and BPS states, hep-th/0411204

TUW-04-34 A. Gerhold, Resummed one-loop gluonic contributions to the color superconducting color charge density vanish, hep-ph/0411086

TUW-04-35 L. Bergamin, D. Grumiller, W. Kummer and D.V. Vassilevich, Classical and quantum integrability of 2D dilaton gravities in Euclidean space, hep-th/0412007

TUW-04-36 A. Rebhan, P. Romatschke and M. Strickland, Hard-loop dynamics of nonabelian plasma instabilities hep-ph/0412016