Our classification scheme for reflexive polyhedra
relies on certain weight systems which were computed in
alg-geom/9603007. In that paper it was also shown that all
weights that allow transversal CY hypersurfaces have reflexive
Newton polytopes in up to 4 dimensions.
In 4 dimensions there are 184026 weights with reflexive
Newton polyhedra.
The Newton polyhedra and Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces corresponding to
these 184026 weights were analysed in
hep-th/9610154. The
information on Hodge
and fibration data, as well as numbers of points and
vertices in the M and N lattices,
are encoded in a
big file: 2.37 MB
(uncompressed 10.6 MB /
subsets with lowest and highest degrees:
356 kB ,
54 kB).
The files contain lines of the form
5 weights and their sum,
the degree d.
TS means Transverse (7555 lines)
and that the Newton polytope Spans the coordinate hyperplanes
(38727 lines);
other cases are `non-transverse reflexive' and/or
Hodge numbers are listed as h11 and h12,
M: p v and N: p v are the numbers of
points and vertices of the Newton polytope and of
its dual,
and fibration data
P: p indicates the number p of reflexive
which correspond to K3 fibrations (P: - if unknown).
F: f indicates the number f of projections onto
reflexive facets. For f>0 the last f numbers denote
the weights whose coordinate hyperplanes carry the K3 facets.
The different Hodge numbers [h11 h12 chi]
are listed in seperate files for
transverse hypersurfaces in WPs [2781 Hodge data],