arfg - a simple meta-language

Table of contents

This assortment of web pages is meant to serve as a repository for documentation and other resources pertaining to the simple meta-language arfg including downloadable archives. Here you will find the following information:

About arfg
Short presentation of arfg.
Using arfg
Detailed documentation of all the options and features arfg provides.
Programs called
Basic information regarding the programs called by arfg, and the way they are used by arfg.
Some simple examples of using arfg and the files .arfg-pre, .arfg-post, and .arfg-rewrite.
Installation instructions
Information on how to obtain and install arfg and the software it depends upon.
History of arfg
Detailed documentation of the changes arfg undergoes between releases.


Contact information: To contact the author of arfg, or, for that matter, of these pages, send electronic mail in English, German, Latin or Esperanto to

Updates: To be informed of any updates to the pages on arfg, you should monitor or; to be informed of any updates regarding this particular version of arfg, i. e. version 2.11c, monitor For this, services like Mind-It might be convenient.

URLs: In order to always be able to access these pages, be sure to reference them only via their permanent URLs, or «PURLS», as provided by the services of the URL resolver at; the proper adresses are linked to at the bottom of every page. Note that links containing the current release's version number, i. e. /2.11c/, will always point to text appropriate for version 2.11c of arfg, whereas adresses containing /current/ always refer to arfg's then current incarnation.

HTML: Generation of this hypertext has been vastly facilitated by the use of Ralf S. Engelschall's Web Meta Language (WML). Care has been taken to avoid browser-specific features, attention has been paid to the relevant standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

Legal disclaimer: This set of web pages contains a number of links to resources made available by other people or institutions. The author of these pages takes no responsibility for content linked to from any of these pages. Peruse at your own risk.

Copyright © 2001 by Albert REINER. All rights reserved.



2001-12-13 18:26:29